Answering 20 questions about life:

Interviewer: Let's start with an easy one. What makes you happiest in life?

Me: That's simple - spending quality time with my family and close friends. Whether it's vacationing together, having deep conversations over dinner, or just laughing hysterically over silly inside jokes, those connections fill me with joy. Human bonds give meaning to everything else.

Interviewer: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Me: My tendency to ruminate and dwell on regrets. I replay past mistakes constantly, wishing I made different choices. Intellectually, I know we all stumble sometimes and can't turn back time. But emotionally, I struggle to forgive myself and move forward powerfully. I'd love to strengthen that inner resilience muscle.

Interviewer: What scares you most about growing older?

Me: Diminished independence. Having to rely on others for basic caregiving would be really challenging for me. I hope I retain my physical and mental faculties as long as possible. Aging with dignity matters tremendously to me.

Interviewer: Is there an elderly person who has shaped your perspectives on life?

Me: Absolutely - my grandmother. Despite health issues later on, she maintained such joy and generosity of spirit. She never acted bitter or jaded. Her graceful embrace of aging taught me so much about wisdom, patience and staying present. I aspire to grow old with that same contented spirit.

Interviewer: What role do you think adversity plays in life?

Me: Adversity builds strength and resilience through struggle. Whether illness, loss of a job, death of a loved one - hardship allows space for growth. It reminds us what really matters and reconnects us to core values. While painful, adversity catalyzes profound personal evolution if we approach it with an open mind.

Interviewer: What activity always calms and centers you?

Me: Long evening walks without any agenda. Strolling through my neighborhood clearing my head, the fresh air and exercise organically untangles any stressful thoughts. By the time I return home, I feel recentered and at peace. That daily ritual energizes me.

Interviewer: What are you most grateful for?

Me: Waking up each morning with a healthy body and mind, fully capable of experiencing the gift of another day. Given how fragile life is, I never take that for granted. Each sunrise offers treasure, no matter what unfolds after.

Interviewer: How do you define success?

Me: Integrity and being true to myself. Making choices aligned with my values, not external validation. Contributing meaningfully through my talents. Success is about the journey, not status symbols or arbitrary societal measures. If I can remain authentic while leaving my little corner of the world better for those around me, that's success to me.

Interviewer: What advice would you give your 25-year-old self?

Me: Worrying so much is wasted energy. Let go of anxiety about the future - just focus on this moment and continue putting one foot in front of the other with courage. You’re on the right path. Everything will work out beautifully even through difficulties, as long as you persist in truth.

Interviewer: Do you have any major regrets so far later in life?

Me: Not cultivating work-life balance better in my 30s when my kids were young. I let my career consume me, thinking providing financial security was enough while missing precious moments I can never recapture. My priorities were skewed - I wish I understood how swiftly time passes and that money can’t compete with memories built through presence.

Interviewer: How important is self-improvement to you?

Me: It feels critical - almost a moral obligation to maximize my potential over this finite lifetime, however long it may be. I don’t want to waste these gifts I’ve been given. Embracing a growth mindset keeps me feeling energized, curious and engaged as I age. There is always room for progress.

Interviewer: What matters more - pursuing your passions or being practical?

Me: In youth, passion excitement easily overrides pragmatism. But later in life, I’ve learned passion and practicality can intersect in beautiful ways. With some creative, persistent problem-solving, you can craft a life allowing for both - embracing realism and wonder simultaneously.

Interviewer: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

Me: On one hand, no - chaos is intrinsic to existence. Terrible, unjust things occur by chance all the time without actual “reason”. But I also think we can assign our own meaning to suffering and loss. Making sense of life’s hardest blows is how we heal. So in that sense, yes - we can derive purpose from pain, even unintended.

Interviewer: What recurring life lesson have you learned?

Me: Letting go allows for growth; holding on leads nowhere. Whether it’s childhood wounds, broken relationships, jobs I’ve outgrown - grasping too tightly prevents forward momentum. Surrendering attachment to what no longer energetically serves me empowers reinvention.

Interviewer: How do you want people to remember you after you’re gone?

Me: As someone who left every person feeling genuinely seen, heard and cared for - who reminded others their lives have profound meaning, no matter how small or oppressed they feel. If my legacy is encouraging just a few people to embrace their buried dreams, then I’ve succeeded in the soul of life.

Interviewer: Any final words of wisdom to close this interview?

Me: Don't settle for society's conditioned dreams - figure out your unique purpose here. Let that discovery guide and comfort you through life's systemic absurdities and tragedies. Even in our darkest hours when nothing makes sense, believing existence has underlying meaning makes all the difference. Let your truth set you free.