18 Questions About drinking alcohol


At what age did you first try alcohol and what prompted your curiosity?


I was 15 when some friends brought sparkling wine to a sleepover party. I was definitely curious and wanted to seem cool, but honestly the taste was so awful I could barely finish one glass! Peer pressure and fantasies about adulthood from TV/movies made me eager to try it simply to rebel a bit.


When did drinking become more regular for you versus occasional?


Probably junior year of college when partying became central to campus social life. The fraternity scene provided easy access to liquor and beer. My tastebuds adjusted to enjoy flavors more. Group bonding while buzzed felt fun and bonding at the time, even as habits formed.


Did your parents model healthy alcohol habits for you growing up?


Yes and no. My father would have a few daily cocktails which seemed harmless. My mom drank minimally, but they hosted frequent dinner parties with lots of wine flowing. However, their tipsiness went too far occasionally. I learned unhealthy patterns like using alcohol to relieve stress or cope with problems from their lead.


Have you ever felt peer pressured to drink more than you wanted to?


Definitely. Even in professional settings later as a young associate at law firms, turning down a third glass of whiskey at networking events earned subtle judgement as being uptight or antisocial. Asserting boundaries felt awkward. For males especially, “holding your liquor” seems tied to masculinity and bonding in toxic ways.


Do you feel drinking has enhanced your social life and ability to connect with others over time?


In my early 20s it seemed that way superficially. Bars and parties centered around drinking loosened me up to meet possible romantic partners and new colleagues. But in retrospect, those connections depended too heavily on the buzz itself verses genuine common interests when we actually talked sober.


Have you ever worried about your drinking habits?


Occasionally after college when bachelor pad hangouts prioritized craft beers and showing off rare bourbon collections. During stressful weeks my cocktail consumption edged up a bit too routinely. When drinking shifted from social enhancements towards emotional management, I grew concerned about its role in my life.


Did you change habits after noticing unhealthy drinking patterns in yourself?


Yes. My wake up call came after overdoing it at age 30 during a friend’s destination wedding. Waking up horrified hearing my awful drunken behavior described was jarring. I realized alcohol abuse had crept far past “fun” into dangerous territory. I quit drinking for one year reset myself to build healthier sobriety habits longterm.


If applicable, when did you decide to eliminate drinking completely versus moderate consumption?


Recently at age 38 after landing in the hospital with gastritis exacerbated by red wine. Realizing alcohol was literally attacking my internal organs scared me tremendously. I decided allowing any booze into my diet knowing underlying addiction risks and health implications would be Russian Roulette moving forward.


How has quitting drinking impacted your quality of life and wellbeing?


In countless positive ways! My energy stays more consistent without booze-related blood sugar crashes. Mentally I feel sharper, less prone to anxiety or depression. Health-wise, numbers like liver enzymes, weight and cholesterol have improved since getting sober. My mood is more stable and productive overall.


What positive habits or activities have replaced drinking in your life?


Athletic hobbies like training for local running races, refreshing juicing habits thanks to my Nama cocktail mixer, and so much more reading! I also invest in my creative side now through painting classes and writing blogs verses dulling that spark with liquor nightly. Feeling present and embracing full spectrums of life’s emotions has been a gift.


What social changes came with removing alcohol from your routines?


Surprisingly few. True friendships prospered just the same based on genuine mutual interests, without needing intoxication as social crutch. Some drinking buddies faded away. But overall, those meant to stick around for the long haul did so enthusiastically, respecting my choice without judgement either way.


What personal lessons, insights or growth came through your journey with alcohol ultimately?


Too many to list succinctly! But in essence, I learned alcohol dependence is extremely common yet too stigmatized to discuss openly or intervene early enough due to shame. I now know healthy social bonding needn’t rely on poisoning our bodily systems nightly. And finding natural stress relief practices remains imperative for sustainable mental health & resilience.