Dear 20-year-old me,
I'm writing to you from 15 years in your future with some critical advice I truly wish someone had shared when I was just starting my independent adult life. While you have sparkling ambitions, talents I know will unfold beautifully, and the wide-open world within reach - I also remember vividly the self-doubt, overwhelm at the countless diverging paths before me, and this aching desire to figure it all out immediately.
I recall late nights around your age pouring over grad school applications, creating 5-year strategic career plans tracking every promoting milestone, and romanticizing someday attributes like financial stability or societal status as inevitable symbols of "making it" by 30. I remember that restless longing for the seeds I was planting to rapidly bloom so I could quickly harvest external validation confirming my self worth. Oh how I understand the burdensome weight of impatient expectations you place upon your shoulders daily.
So I'm writing to you today to assure you that life does not unfold quite as orderly as our anxious minds desperately grasp for. There will be shocking upheavals of divorce within our community that shake your faith in lasting love. Illnesses will arise unexpectedly to remind us of human frailty. Economic downturns outside our control will halt careers or eliminate jobs without warning. You will watch dreams you banked everything upon crack unexpectedly beneath your feet through little fault of your own. And you will make messy mistakes that threaten your fragile self confidence when acting upon the best wisdom you had at the time.
In sharing this perspective from today, 15 years your senior, I seek not to discourage those beautiful ambitions beginning to stir within your passionate heart. Nor is my intention to diminish the vision boarding, strategic 10-year planning or diligent efforts required towards accomplishing anything rewarding.
I simply want to spare you years of silent torment thinking you're somehow failing yourself when plans veer drastically off course - as all our journeys inevitably must. Because the dirty truth they rarely teach transparently enough before sending passionate young people like you out into this complex world is that you will get lost many times. You will doubt your gifts. You will work tirelessly only to suffer setbacks beyond your control. You will watch peers seemingly surpass you effortlessly in milestones once promised belonging only to the "extraordinary."
And you will encounter unanticipated pain that forces you to grow in ways you cannot presently fathom.
But here is the glorious revelation I'm blessed to behold from today's vista point - those dark seasons of being knocked down and lost unintentionally lead us right where we need to arrive.
Because getting wildly off track along the way is how we uncover truer callings we would never have embraced otherwise. Those confusing times of failure where we walk away empty-handed plant seeds of resilience that reap otherwise impossible maturity over time. As it turns out, the beauty of slowing down and changing direction against our stubborn will is discovering triumphant abilities rising boldly from within we cannot see or activate when controlling life's terms.
Along the winding climb, you will observe friends stuck battling the same unrelenting demons year after year by refusing personal responsibility or blaming external forces unfairly. And you will watch equally talented peers surrender all their dizzying potential inch by inch to cynicism simply because life's hardship failed to pay off according to their pre-approved timeline measuring success.
Let this letter assure your uneasy heart that the cliche about life's richness relying on the journey rings luminously true. But the nature of youth is believing we know better, so I understand these words may barely breach the fortified hubris mortared thickly around you at 20. Just know I am smiling gently with no judgement for the lessons destined to keep surprising you.
Because the secret I'm blessed to witness from where I reside now is that external rewards, societal applause and achievement milestones all inevitably pale in comparison to the supernatural strength we slowly cultivate through resiliently walking our distinct path - however winding or delayed the fragile footing appears every step we take.
Our sole purpose lies in unpeeling our unique beings against resistance through unrelenting faith in something beyond visible outcomes. Remaining devoted to expressing uncommon gifts that feel unusually essential to protect during storms builds holy integrity nothing worldly can erode.
When we shine brightly not in arrogant comparison against peers to validate our worth, but fully committed towards stewarding the irrepressible inner light we are purposed to amplify for a waiting world - no external accolade accrued or career milestone achieved will ever rival that soulful victory.
This mental and spiritual liberation allows us to rest peacefully inhabiting our temporal bodies, no matter how briefly they host us in this life. So I urge you, my radiant young warrior, to release yourself from the seductive trap of achievement addiction. As long as you awaken