Letter to my younger self about lessons I've learned

Dear 20-year-old me, I'm writing to you from 15 years in your future with some critical advice I truly wish someone had shared when I was just starting my independent adult life. While you have sparkling ambitions, talents I know will unfold beautifully, and the wide-open world within reach - I also remember vividly the self-doubt, overwhelm at the countless diverging paths before me, and this aching desire to figure it all out immediately. Continue reading

Becoming A Dragonfly

A Metaphor for Personal Transformation In the intricate dance of nature, the journey of a dragonfly from nymph to soaring adult serves as a poignant metaphor for personal transformation and growth. Just as these remarkable creatures undergo a series of stages, individuals, too, can embrace change and emerge with newfound strength and resilience. Continue reading

letter offering advice to someone in their 20s

Dear Twenty-Something, I'm writing you from a few seasons ahead as someone now in my mid-30s reflecting on my earlier adult years. While still fresh with passion, idealism and hungry determination characterizing this decade - I recall it also held scary spikes of uncertainty about securing my place successfully on life's adult stage. Continue reading

The Road to Financial Fitness

Embarking on the journey to financial fitness is a transformative endeavor that empowers individuals to take control of their financial destinies. Budgeting and wealth-building serve as the compass and roadmap on this road to financial well-being. Continue reading